İksv Salon

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Büyük Ev Ablukada Acoustic

Büyük Ev Ablukada Acoustic

The one and only of our local scene besieging our lives with their songs, albums and concerts.

With the name they borrowed from a Turgut Uyar poem, the band was founded by Afordisman Sahilinis and Canavar Banavar in 2008. They have swiftly become legends of the town both for their songs and styles. Band members go by the nicknames Afordisman Salihins, Bas Bariton, Bentek Sizhepiniz, Omçelik, Canavar Banavar, Galvaniz Gelbiraz and Gelicem Nerdesin. After they turned their concert “Ay Şuram Ağrıyo” into the album titled “Ay Şuram Hala Ağrıyor”, they released their first official album “Full Faça” in 2012. In 2016, with their neat new style in “Fırtınayt”, they cracked the doors to the world of electronic music wide open. Their album with the same title passed through this door in 2017. Büyük Ev Ablukada, which stole us away with their energy on the stage and genuine relations with their followers on every platform, arrives to lay siege to Salon İKSV with their acoustic performance that will be held at the 360-degree stage on 10 November.

Acoustic versions of our favourite Büyük Ev Ablukada.

This event does not have an age restriction of 18.

Unreserved seating TL60
Standing TL50
Student TL40

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